Pathways FAQ

  1. 1. What is Base Camp?
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  1. 2. Why do I need to disable my pop-blockers on Base Camp and how do I do so?
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  1. 3. What does my computer system require to run Base Camp?
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  1. 4. How will I know when updates are made to Pathways or Base Camp?
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  1. 5. Where can I find the evaluation resources for Pathways projects?
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  1. 6. What is the Pathways Mentor Program?
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  1. 7. How do I access the Pathways Mentor Program?
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  1. 8. How long will it take me to load projects in Base Camp?
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  1. 9. Who are Base Camp managers, and what is their role?
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  1. 10. How many paths are there?
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  1. 11. How will I know which path is right for me?
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  1. 12. Are there different levels in each path?
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  1. 13. How many projects are in a path?
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  1. 14. Is Pathways available in printed format?
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  1. 15. Does Pathways offer accessible educational materials for visually-impaired individuals?
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  1. 16. What are the costs associated with Pathways?
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  1. 17. What is the Pathways return Policy?
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  1. 18. How many free paths do I get?
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  1. 19. Can I use a Toastmasters gift certificate to purchase a path?
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  1. 20. Can I order a print version of The Navigator?
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  1. 21. Why did the education program change?
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  1. 22. Why is Pathways valuable to me?
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  1. 23. Are my achievements in the traditional education program still relevant in Pathways? Is the work I've done towards an education award in the traditional program transferable to Pathways?
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  1. 24. How will Pathways change my club experience?
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  1. 25. How will I receive recognition in Pathways?
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  1. 26. Does the Distinguished Toastmaster award (DTM) still exist in Pathways? If so, are the requirements different for earning the DTM in Pathways?
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  1. 27. How has the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) changed in Pathways?
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  1. 28. How do I apply my credit for serving as a Pathways Guide, Chief Ambassador, or Ambassador?
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  1. 29. I am a member of a prison club or liaison for a prison club.  When can my club begin in Pathways?
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September 2019 Update

New Pathways FAQ: Opening access between levels

  1. 30. Can I access all projects in any level at any time?
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  1. 31. Why did Toastmasters International decide to open access to all projects in a path?
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  1. 32. What does this change mean for me as a member?
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  1. 33. Can I complete projects and levels in any order I choose?
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  1. 34. I completed Level 2 in my path, but I skipped Level 1. How can I submit for my Level 2 award recognition?
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  1. 35. Now that I can open every project, how do I complete my path?
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  1. 36. I completed Level 5 but did not receive a certificate of proficiency or a proficient badge. Will I still receive these?
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  1. 37. What does the change mean for me as a Base Camp manager?
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  1. 38. A member asked me to approve a Level 2 completion, but they have not completed Level 1. Is this something I should approve?
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  1. 39. If I’m working in printed materials, will I receive all projects at once?
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